Market Linkages Solution: Connecting Farmers to Premium Markets

Yoharvest’s Market Linkages Solution – an essential component of our commitment to empowering farmers and revolutionizing the agricultural landscape.

Our Mission

At Yoharvest, our mission is to bridge the gap between farmers and premium markets, ensuring that every farmer has the opportunity to showcase their produce, secure fair prices, and thrive in the agricultural value chain. We are dedicated to breaking down the walls that limit market access and to creating a more equitable and prosperous future for all farmers.

We’re backed by some amazing investors

The Challenge

Smallholder farmers, while playing an integral role in feeding communities and contributing to the economy, frequently encounter formidable obstacles when attempting to access premium markets. Limited resources, lack of robust market connections, and unfair pricing structures serve as roadblocks to their progress.

Yoharvest’s Market Linkages Solution stands resolute in confronting these challenges head-on, focusing intently on empowering smallholder farmers to overcome adversity and achieve new heights of success.

Our Solution

At the heart of our Market Linkages Solution lies a dynamic and impactful approach that propels smallholder farmers onto a trajectory of growth and prosperity. By establishing direct connections between smallholder farmers and premium markets, we catalyze a transformative shift in their agricultural journey.

What Have You Accomplished


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For funding rounds


Years in business

We Use Design and Technology To Give Entrepreneurs the Optimal Use of Their Social Media

Alexandre Prota Anavin – Founders

Great People Behind PageBold

Russel W. Creative Director
Mel R. Creative Director
Christina Morillo Front end Developer
Anastasiya Gepp Graphic Designer

Press Highlights

You grow into your valuation. You reset your ambition

Intercom’s Des Traynor and Karen Peacock chat about building a world class ….
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Intercom Named to Forbes Cloud 100 For Sixth Consecutive Year

Intercom’s Des Traynor and Karen Peacock chat about building a world class ….
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About Time! Intercom Puts Proactive Customer Service Back On The....

The seventh annual Cloud 100 list of the world’s top private cloud companies ….
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Intercom aims to make online business personal - even with chatbots

Some of the fastest-growing tech companies right now are ….
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